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Lucky for him Mike, Bill, and Stan agree to help. Eddie thinks it is hot as fuck and wants ti make his boyfriend happy. Richie confesses to Eddie that he wants to be dominated by the whole losers club when he's buzzed on alcohol, drugs, and post-orgasmic bliss. And Eddie just wants to help his boyfriend make it a reality.I think that I have tagged everything that could be a trigger.Thanks and enjoy :) Language: English Words: 8,660 Chapters: 4/4 Comments: 8 Kudos: 307 Bookmarks: 28 Hits: 44166īryzknowstheuniverse Fandoms: IT (2017), IT - Stephen King If you don't like this kind of fanfics, please leave. It has gay sex, straight sex and lots of orgies. All characters in here are assumed to be 17 years old except for the senseis. Inuzuka Kiba/Nara Shikamaru/Uzumaki Naruto.

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